Case Results Category: Medical Malpractice

$7 Million Verdict in a Medical Malpractice, Erb’s Palsy Case

An 18 year-old who has suffered her whole life from complications at birth has been awarded $7 Million for birth defects resulting from improper delivery.

$5 Million Verdict for Medical Malpractice

Our client suffered a stroke and was left unattended for six hours in a hospital emergency room hallway. Finally an operation was performed but the patient died. Ronemus & Vilensky won the case and were able to award the family $5 million for this medical malpractice case.

$4.48 Million Settlement for Medical Malpractice

Our client’s daughter was born with no respiration and a very low heart rate due to an improper delivery. As she developed it became apparent that the baby suffered from cognitive defects as well as severe hearing impairment and could only walk with braces. The parties settled before jury selection and agreed to pay $4,475,000 with an eventual payment to our client of over $37 million.

$3 Million for Child Born with Erbs Palsy

Our client was born with damage to the nerves in her brachial plexus due to pressure applied by the doctor during delivery.

$1.2 Settlement for Medical Malpractice

$1.8M for Medical Malpractice Case

Our client suffered a broken elbow on the job as a home aide. Her surgeries left her with a deadened shoulder, arm and “claw” hand.

Lawsuit Planned for Medical Malpractice Case

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$1.6 Million Settlement for Medical Malpractice

Our client went into the hospital with cervical decompression and left the hospital in a vegetative state. He died six years later. We were able to settle the malpractice case for $1.6 million.

$1.5 Million Settlement for Medical Malpractice in Wrongful Death Case

Our client went in for surgery on his knees and left complaining of shortness of breath. He was readmitted but his issues were not addressed and he went into cardiac arrest and died. Ronemus & Vilensky were able to settle the medical malpractice case for $1.5 million.

$1.2 Million Settlement for Medical Malpractice