$3.5 Million Verdict for Erb’s Palsy Medical Malpractice

$3.5 Million for Excessive Force in Delivery of Baby Causing Erb's Palsy

Our client, now a five year-old girl from Brooklyn, NY, suffered damage to the nerves which come out of the spinal cord during delivery. This web of nerves is known as the brachial plexus. The damage to her brachial plexus was the result of excessive force applied by the doctor to the baby’s head during delivery. This resulted in restricted motion to her left arm. The doctor encountered shoulder dystocia, which is an emergency which occurs when the baby’s shoulder becomes stuck behind the mother’s pubic bone during delivery. The doctor improperly applied force to the baby’s head in order to deliver the baby. Ronemus & Vilensky sued the negligent doctor and the hospital for the baby’s permanent injuries. The jury rendered a verdict in favor of our client and awarded the child $3.5 million.