$4.75 Million Settlement for Cerebral Palsy

$4.45 Million for Medical Malpractice Due Which Resulted in Cerebral Palsy

Our client, a six year-old girl, sustained brain damage at birth due to medical malpractice. The child’s mother was admitted to the hospital and placed on a fetal monitor. Over the course of three days, the monitor showed signs of fetal distress and abrupted placenta. Doctors initially scheduled the patient for a Cesarean section, but for reasons no one could explain, cancelled it. On the third day at the hospital, a Cesarean section was finally performed. The infant was born with poor response and breathing and spent three weeks in the ICU. The child was eventually diagnosed with neurological damage. The child is now six years old, walks with braces, cannot hear without using a hearing aide and has a very limited vocabulary. The settlement money will pay $37 million over the course of the child’s life.