$9.9 Million in Personal Injury Lawsuit

$9.9 Million for Woman Injured Due to Malfunction in Costco Escalator

When an accident happens, an individual’s life can be turned upside down in the blink of an eye. Take, for example, the case of Rose Nudelman, a photographer and multi-media artist who was dependent on her mobility and manual dexterity to make a living. Ms. Nudelman was ascending a Costco escalator in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, when the mechanism intended to lock her shopping cart in place failed. The packed cart, which became dislodged, fell back onto the woman, causing injuries that have disrupted her personal life and have prevented her from being able to work.

Ms. Nudelman developed a rare neurological condition called complex regional pain syndrome following the accident. “I am no longer able to pursue my avocation as a multimedia artist,” she said recently, in an article by Selim Algar in the New York Post. Once able to dance and move freely, the 52 year-old woman now relies on a cane to get from place to place, and faces mounting medical bills, as well as daily pain and suffering.

Michael Ronemus, who represented Ms. Nudelman in her case against the well-known chain store, fought for an outcome that would award the working mother some assistance with these issues. The jury not only found Nudelman’s claims to be believable, they also awarded her $9,903,825.

“There is no one you or I know who would change places with Ms. Nudelman for any amount of money,” said Ronemus in the same New York Post article.

Injuries such as Ms. Nudelman’s can happen to anyone. When they do, it’s never expected, but always wise to hire an attorney with a proven track record regarding cases involving personal injury. If you or someone you care about has suffered from an injury due to negligence of this kind, consider contacting Ronemus and Vilensky. With over twenty-five years of experience in the field of personal injury and medical malpractice, we can help.