$5.5 Million Settlement for Wrongful Death Case of an Electrician

$5.5 Million for Electrician Killed While Working on LIRR SIgnal

A 44-year-old electrician, who was married and the father of two young children, was hit by an MTA bus while fixing the electrical and signal location under the LIRR. He was suspended above the intersection of a divided highway on a scissor lift and was supposed to be protected by a flagman directing traffic around the lift. However, the deceased’s co-worker decided to continue working without this person in place.

Attorneys Michael Ronemus and Robert Vilensky brought action against the driver of the bus, the owner of the bus (MTA), LIRR, NYC, NYCTA, F&S Contracting, Greater Jamaica Development Corp., Pride Equipment Corp., the lessor of the lift and the manufacturer of the lift (JLG Industries).

Ronemus & Vilensky brought in four experts to testify in the case, including a transportation expert; construction expert; a pathology expert; and an economic advisor.

At jury selection, the case settled with third party defendant, Egg Electric paying $5.1 million and the MTA paying $350k.