Essential Safety Tips to Prevent Gas Explosions

Gas explosions are violent events usually caused by leaks from natural gas, propane, or methane. In this article, you will learn about the common causes of gas explosions, safety tips to prevent them, how to recognize a leak, and what to do if you suspect one. Highlights of Our Guide Gas explosions can result from Read More »
Liability in Flames: How Property Owner Negligence Can Contribute to Serious Fires

Property owner negligence in the greater New York City area stands as a significant yet often overlooked catalyst for fire hazards, posing severe risks to both property and life. Neglecting the upkeep and safety protocols of buildings not only endangers the occupants but can also lead to devastating fires that cause extensive damage, injury, or Read More »
When Equipment Fails: Understanding the Risks of Fire from Faulty Appliances

In the bustling urban landscape of New York City, where the pace of life never slows, the last thing residents need is the added hassle and danger of faulty appliances. Yet, this issue is more prevalent than many might think, affecting countless New Yorkers every day. This article’s aim is to provide a comprehensive overview Read More »
Personal Injury Lawyers Get New York City Policeman a $3 Million Settlement

Personal Injury Lawyers from Ronemus & Vilensky law firm got a NYC policeman $3M worth of settlement. Our client, a New York City police detective and father of two children, suffered injuries to his back while responding to a crane collapse as part of the emergency response unit. His role was to rescue workers by removing debris Read More »
Traumatic Brain Injury Facts
Facts are that more than five million Americans are currently living with a serious condition known as traumatic brain injury (TBI), which occurs when the brain suffers sudden physical damage. Commonly the result of car accidents, falls, and violence such as gunshot wounds, traumatic brain injury often has severe consequences, including lifelong disability and death. In Read More »
Erb’s Palsy Causes & Assistance
Doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals have an obligation to provide their patients an acceptable standard of medical care. Erbs palsy is caused during the birth process, a child’s shoulder becomes lodged behind the pubic bone of the mother and delivery is arrested. When this happens there are known measures that must be taken in Read More »
What Causes Erbs Palsy?
Erb’s Palsy, sometimes called brachial plexus palsy, affects the nerves in the upper arm. Erb’s Palsy is caused by a stretch injury to the brachial plexus, a network of nerves that come from the spinal cord and travel through the neck and armpit area. This usually happens when a baby’s head is difficult to deliver Read More »
What Should I Do if I’m in a Construction Accident?
Construction workers for small businesses or large companies often face a wide range of construction problems at work. They may get cut, sprained, crushed, exposed to debris or dangerous chemicals, or otherwise injured. Fatalities can still occur even if safety teams take steps to prevent a construction accident from happening on the job. If you Read More »
What is a Thermal Burn Injury?
Thermal burns can come from various sources, such as boiling liquids, fire, or hot surfaces. The severity of the burn is classified into three degrees – first, second, and third- degree burns. 1st-degree or superficial burns affect the outer layer of skin, second-degree burns involve blistering, and third-degree burns damage the entire skin depth, often Read More »
Traumatic Brain Injury Recovery Stages
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) recovery stages are critical to healing. They outline the progression and milestones of recovery. It’s important to understand these stages to provide proper care and support. It is important to note that every TBI is unique. Factors such as pre-injury health, the severity of the injury, and access to medical care Read More »