What To Do If You’re In a NYC Gas Explosion
Emotional distress and grief are inevitable after a catastrophic tragedy, like the recent MetroNorth train derailments or the NYC gas explosion in the East Village. This emotional condition may greatly affect your initial ability to deal with the situation and save guard your legal rights. Below is a checklist that help you make the Read More »
Wall Street Journal Reports: Harlem Gas Explosion Victim Gets Ronemus & Vilensky Representation

Yoni Bashan of the Wall Street Journal reported that a 20-year-old victim of the Harlem gas explosion, that killed as many as eight people and leveled two apartment buildings, is being represented by the law firm of Ronemus & Vilensky. Their client, Jose Vargas, was lifted from his seat and thrown against the interior of Read More »
New York Post Reports Harlem Gas Explosion Victim Represented by Ronemus & Vilensky

March 17, 2014 Julia Marsh from the New York Post, reporting on the recent deadly gas explosion in Harlem that leveled two apartment buildings and killed at least eight people, noted that a 20-year-old high school student was thrown from his seat on a passing bus due to the impact of the explosion.