The Risks of Lyme Disease in Children

lyme disease in children

The risks of misdiagnosing or not diagnosing Lyme disease can have detrimental effects. What’s worse, children aged 5-14 face the biggest risk for contracting tick-borne illnesses, especially in New York. As Lyme Disease is often overlooked and mimics various other ailments, you must act quickly if you feel your child has been misdiagnosed. If you’ve suffered Read More »

How Does Lyme Disease Impact Children?

lyme disease

Children are disproportionately vulnerable to contracting Lyme Disease. Especially in a state that’s heavily populated by ticks, parents need to take extra precautions to prevent their child from being exposed to a tick bite. The problem with Lyme disease is that it is notoriously misdiagnosed, which makes the following information regarding how it impacts children Read More »

5 Facts You Didn’t Know About Ticks


Tick bites are a significant threat to the health of humans and the likelihood of being bitten by these critters is particularly high if you live in the Northeastern United States. Read the following information regarding ticks to lessen your likelihood of experiencing a tick bite. As we’ve covered in previous blogs, the dangers of Read More »

Cerebral Palsy Can Happen To Your Child

Ronemus & Vilensky are top New York City medical malpractice, erb’s and cerebral palsy attorneys, and we work on behalf of families of children with cerebral palsy which were the result of the negligence of doctors or other healthcare professionals during pregnancy, delivery, or early childhood. Negligence is defined as the failure to take proper Read More »

Cancer Misdiagnosis: Preventable & Terrifying

Medical misdiagnosis is dangerous and scary, and this negligence can lead to a more severe diagnosis down the road. Cancer is one of the medical conditions that can be incorrectly diagnosed. If your doctor has evaluated your symptoms incorrectly or failed to test for your symptoms to accurately determine your condition, this is called “failure Read More »

Cerebral Palsy Due to Medical Malpractice

cerebral palsy in newborns

Around 10% of children are born with Cerebral Palsy. Some of them get the disease due to genetics or premature birth. However, at times, it is a result of medical malpractice. If it is Cerebral Palsy due to medical malpractice, you should know that you have all the right in the world to have the Read More »

New York City Area Hospitals Are Either Making People Sick or Killing Them

In an exclusive interview with New York Post’s Melkorka Licea, a pediatrician who spent three years as a resident in the Coney Island Hospital spoke out anonymously about the frightening conditions children face in this 371-bed facility. This doctor listed chronic negligence, unqualified care and poor supervision as some of the issues that are responsible Read More »

New Study Finds Shocking Numbers Die in Hospitals Due to Medical Errors

new yoork medical errors lawyer

While insurance companies have fought for laws to make medical malpractice cases more and more difficult for lawyers to bring to suit, the fact is hundreds of thousands of people are dying from medical mistakes each year and many more are being seriously injured. A recent article entitled, Medical Error May Be Third Leading cause Read More »