NYC Lawyers Win $5 Million Verdict for Medical Malpractice
Our client suffered a stroke and was left unattended for six hours in a hospital emergency room hallway. The ER doctor ordered a CAT scan, but hospital employees said that the CAT scanner was not operating properly. The patient was finally transferred to another hospital, where the stroke was diagnosed and an operation was performed Read More »
Two NYC Medical Malpractice Cases Our Law Firm Has Won Millions For Clients
Ronemus & Vilensky, has won millions of dollars for their clients who have been seriously injured by mistakes made by doctors, hospitals, medical technicians and staff in spite of the fact that medical malpractice cases are increasingly difficult to prove to a jury. So influenced by the insurance companies that everyone who has been seriously Read More »
5 Tips For Hiring The Best Medical Malpractice Attorney
$1.25 Million Settlement for Erb’s Palsy

In this case, the injured baby’s mother claimed that the delivering physician failed to take measures to prevent severe injury. Instead, when the baby wouldn’t arrive, the doctor applied excessive traction and twisted the baby’s head, which damaged the nerves leading from the spinal cord to the baby’s arm. Nerve graft surgery, using a nerve Read More »
New York’s Medical Malpractice Statute of Limitations and Lavern’s Law

New York’s medical malpractice statute of limitations is designed to protect the medical profession from having to take responsibility for the most grievous of medical malpractice errors. However, because New York is one of six states that does not have a “date of discovery” statute that starts the statue of limitations period from the date Read More »
3 Things to Look for When Hiring an Erb’s Palsy Attorney
Find out how many Erb’s Palsy cases your lawyer has handled. And how many they have taken to trial versus settling out of court. The insurance companies don’t respect a lawyer unless they know that they will actually take a case all the way to verdict and not accept low ball offers to settle. Ask him/her how long he/she has handled these kind of cases.