Rise of NYC Distracted Driving Accidents Underscores Growing National Car Safety Issue

As electronic devices such as smartphones, headphones and music players become more of a prevalent part of our day-to-day lives, we feel the need to use or enjoy them while driving.  Doing so, however, puts drivers at risk for a rapidly growing NY car accident and national car accident issue: distracted driving.  Even wearable technology has come under fire when a California driver was recently cleared in San Diego traffic court from a ticket she received for wearing Google Glass while driving.  Although studies have shown that New York City lags behind other major American cities in its adoption of smartphones—and is in fact the only major American city to have a smartphone adoption rate of under 50 percent—recent findings by the N.Y.P.D. show that distracted driving accidents are a major cause of NYC car accident cases.

Dangers of NYC Distracted Driving Accidents

Distracted driving accidents are quickly becoming the most prevalent cause of car accidents nationwide.  According to U.S. Department of Transportation, over 3,300 people were killed in distracted driving accidents alone.  Any type of activity that takes your eyes or mind off of the road can be enough to cause a major distracted driving accidents resulting in NYC.  While activities that lead to distracted driving accidents can be manual, visual or cognitive, the U.S. Department of Transportation lists the following activities as the most dangerous to do while driving:

  • Texting Using your smartphone or cell phone to make calls or play with apps
  • Eating and drinking inside the car
  • Talking to passengers
  • Grooming while driving
  • Reading maps or using navigation systems
  • Watching videos
  • Adjusting radios, CD players of MP3 players

Because text messaging while driving involves mental, visual and cognitive distractions, it is perhaps the most dangerous activity that can lead to distracted driving accidents.  In fact, sending or receiving text messages can take a driver’s eyes off the road for an average of 4.6 seconds.  If that driver were texting in his car while driving at a speed of 55 mph, he or she would be driving blind for a length equivalent to the size of a football field!

Fortunately, eliminating the likelihood of distracted driving accidents is as simple as turning off all electronic devices and storing them away in car components that are inaccessible from the driver’s seat.  However, many drivers find this simple act very difficult to do depending on the circumstances of their trips or because of their inability to be disconnected from friends and family while on the road.  If you find yourself in a situation where you need to have your electronic device powered up and handy, have one of your passengers handle all incoming phone calls or text messages onto your mobile device, or look into purchasing one of the many smartphone app options available that deal with eliminating the smartphone and electronic device-related dangers that can lead to distracted driving accidents.

How Our NYC Car Accident Lawyers Can Help

If you or someone you know sustained serious injuries or property damage resulting from recent distracted driving accidents, click here to contact the experienced and compassionate New York distracted driving accident lawyers at Ronemus and Vilensky.  Our experienced car accident lawyers will meet with you to discuss your case and research relevant laws and state cases to see whether you have a possible claim based on the other party’s distracted driving. If we find that you do have a possible claim, our NYC car accident lawyers will also develop a legal strategy that will help you get the compensation you deserve.

Contact Ronemus and Vilensky today to set up an initial consultation with one of our experienced NY distracted driver car accident lawyers, and let us help you take the first step toward determining whether you have a possible NY car accident claim.