Forms of Police Brutality, Police Harassment, and Police Discrimination

Police officers receive training that teaches them to set aside their personal biases, use their powers under the law properly, and avoid committing acts of police brutality, police harassment, police discrimination, and false arrest. Despite their training, however, it is not uncommon for officers to abuse their power or to act on unjust assumptions.

Unfortunately, instances of police brutality, police harassment, police discrimination, and false arrest do occur as a result of this, and the majority of police assault and abuse cases involve either excessive physical force or sexual misconduct. Police officers are known for never speaking out against each other – an unwritten but understood code of conduct known as the “blue wall of silence.” Since police officers are essentially under the supervision of each other, this “code” tends to make officers feel like they can commit acts of police brutality, police harassment, police discrimination and false arrest without fear of repercussion or disciplinary action by their superiors.

Police Misconduct and Your Rights

Typically the only way victims of these types of police assault and abuse can obtain justice is by filing a legal complaint. Our experienced police brutality attorneys, harassment attorneys and discrimination lawyers can help advise you on your legal options and recommended course of action. Common examples of police abuse include:

Police Brutality and Police Intimidation

Police brutality, police intimidation and verbal abuse–according to the CATO Institute – are the most prevalent and common source of police assault and abuse complaints. These types of police brutality and police intimidation cases include physical attacks, verbal abuse, firearm-related complaints, taser-related complaints, and complaints involving police dogs, vehicles or chemical weapons. Most fatalities associated with police brutality include cases involving firearms, physical force and tasers. Our NYC police brutality attorneys can meet with you to help troubleshoot the legal options behind your police brutality case or police intimidation compliant; contact us to set up a free consultation

Police Discrimination

Incidents of police discrimination arise both inside and outside the police department offices. This category of police abuse encompasses racial profiling, improper search & seizures, false arrests, police brutality, verbal abuse, or improper hiring practices instigated by one’s race, gender, religion and/or sexual orientation. If you have been a victim of police discrimination–or know of someone who has – contact us to set up a free consultation with our New York City discrimination attorneys.

Police Harassment, Sexual Harassment, Sexual Abuse, and Sexual Misconduct

Cases of sexual harassment and sexual misconduct by police officers arise when an officer is found to have conducted sexual harassment, sexual abuse, sexual acts, and/or other types of sex-related violations on an adult or minor of the opposite sex. According to the CATO Institute, sexual misconduct and police harassment is the second-most common source of police-related complaints and covers consensual sexual activity that occurs when an officer is on-duty, sexual assault and child molestation. If you–or someone you know – was or is a victim of sexual harassment or sexual misconduct by a police officer, contact our sexual harassment attorneys and discrimination attorneys for a free consultation to go over your legal options.

False Arrest and Wrongful Search, Seizure or Surveillance

According to the 4th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, the police cannot make arrests, search citizens and their property, seize objects, or conduct surveillance unless given prior authorization from a judge or if the circumstances of the situation necessitate a search or seizure without court approval. If the police collect personal data, searches your property or conducts surveillance without approval from a court or probable cause or approval from a court, you may be able to file a claim based on wrongful search, seizure, or surveillance. If you–or someone you know – have been victimized by false arrest or a wrongful search, seizure, or surveillance by the police, contact us to learn more about how our NYC law firm attorneys can help.

Police Brutality, Discrimination, Harassment and the Law

No person should suffer unfair treatment at the hands of the police officers–especially when their purpose is to serve and protect you. If you or a loved one is a police brutality victim, police discrimination victim, police harassment victim or a false arrest victim, you may be eligible to recover compensation for your pain, suffering, medical expenses and more.

Contact Ronemus & Vilensky to speak with our NYC police brutality attorneys, harassment lawyers, and police discrimination attorneys. Our legal team has years of experience fighting for the rights of police brutality, police discrimination, police harassment and false arrest victims, and we will ensure that you receive the justice you deserve.