Glenwood Apartment Fire

The Glenwood Apartment fire started in a family’s apartment due to circuit wiring displacement around 6 pm on January 6th, 2021 in Yonkers, NY. The fire spread throughout the whole building and left several people trapped inside their apartments. Several climbed out of windows, some were rescued from their apartments—and others ran through the smoke. 

Since there has been some improvement to restore the building, the landowners have forced the tenants back into their apartments. However, their living situations are still untenable. The tenants will then also be subjected to elevator delays, burnt smells, asbestos, mold, vermin, and plenty of other harmful chemicals and substances from the fire, smoke and ashes. Ronemus and Vilensky represent 84 victims from the incident, several of which were severely injured. Attorney Vilensky assessed the situation this way, “The hallways were scorched; it reeked of smoke, the fact that the landlord approved this building for the tenants to reoccupy is unconscionable.” Vilensky also reports that this situation is an economic-coercion disaster. The tenants have been told to move back into their apartments, despite the hazardous conditions that remain. So, the tenants are now stuck as the landlord refuses to offer alternative living places. Their only other option is homelessness. 

This case is still open, but Mr. Vilensky believes that the suit will be successful in helping the families who suffered through this terrible incident.