How Does Lyme Disease Impact Children?

Children are disproportionately vulnerable to contracting Lyme Disease. Especially in a state that’s heavily populated by ticks, parents need to take extra precautions to prevent their child from being exposed to a tick bite. The problem with Lyme disease is that it is notoriously misdiagnosed, which makes the following information regarding how it impacts children even more important. If you’ve suffered from Lyme disease and have been misdiagnosed, contact your experienced NYC Disease Malpractice Attorney today to build your personal injury case. 

Common complications of tick-borne illnesses in children.

Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses present in a variety of ways in children, here are some of the most common:

  • Physical pain- Fevers, joint pain, headaches, and body aches are common symptoms in children.
  • Cognitive concerns- Children often experience brain fog, difficulty concentrating, struggles with spatial reasoning, language delays, and concentration issues. 
  • Insomnia- Inability to fall or stay asleep and mood instability are also common.
  • Anxiety and depression- According to iGenex, in some cases children experience paranoia and even hallucinations, compound problems with school performance, peer relationships, and ultimately self-esteem.
  • Digestive upset- For some children, digestive upset is a direct result of antibiotics and treatment for their symptoms.
  • Varying & worsening symptoms- The progression and accumulation of symptoms can be isolating to a child, especially when he or she cannot participate in school activities, extracurriculars, and play due to their symptoms.

While these symptoms seem grave already, these are mild ones for those who receive prompt diagnosis and treatment. Without it, children can suffer even more neurological and severe developmental symptoms. 
Lyme disease affects children and adults alike, as it does not discriminate between hosts. Children who present these symptoms should be evaluated by a medical professional as soon as possible. Or, if you feel like your child has been wrongfully diagnosed, now is the time to act. You need an attorney on your side to help you fight for your rights.

Contact Your NY Malpractice Attorney

If you or someone you know has received an incorrect diagnosis and your Lyme disease was left unchecked and untreated, an NYC Medical Malpractice lawyer can help. We understand the frustration of a misdiagnosis and the dire consequences of this disease, and we have helped thousands of injury victims receive the help and monetary reward for pain and suffering which they deserve. Contact the law offices of Ronemus & Vilensky today by calling 212-779-7070, or filling out our free, no obligation form today.