Jet Ski Accident: Do You Have a Case?

When people think of personal injury lawsuits, their minds typically go to trucking and car accidents. However, jet ski injuries are quite common, especially during the summer months. As we close out the season, more and more people are heading to the water to absorb the final few warm weeks on the water. And, statistically speaking, these types of accidents are the most prevalent among water sports. Review the following blog to determine whether or not you have a jet ski accident case. If you or someone you know has experienced a jet ski accident and doesn’t know what to do next, an NYC Personal Accident Attorney who has proven results in jet ski accident cases can help.

How was the accident caused?

Jet ski accidents are more common than you might think. In fact, a study published by a USCG report states that 600-700 jet ski accidents are reported each year. Most frequently, another person is involved in a jet ski accident. If you get into a collision with another rider, you may have a case. More importantly, if the other driver was under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or was negligent in operating the watercraft, this may help your case.

Ask yourself the following questions.

Determining liability is a huge component in determining whether you have a potential personal injury case or not. Ask yourself the following questions to see if you could have a case with a NYC personal accident attorney:

  • Did the driver know how to operate the jet ski?
  • Did their particular actions cause the accident?
  • Was there a mandatory liability waiver signed when renting the watercraft?
  • Was there a defect in the equipment that caused the accident?
  • Was the jet ski properly maintained before you used it?

There are many factors to consider when bringing a personal injury lawsuit. However, the sheer nature of these accidents poses a significant injury and even death threat to those involved. You need an experienced lawyer with a proven track record to fight for you in this type of situation.

Contacting an NYC Accident Lawyer

We will go the extra mile for our clients to win the financial compensation you deserve after a traumatic jet ski injury. If you or someone you love has been injured or killed in a jet ski or boating accidents, contact the law offices of Ronemus & Vilensky today by calling 212-779-7070, or filling out our free, no-obligation form today.

Can you tell us about the jetski malpractice case you are handling?