Two NYC Medical Malpractice Cases Our Law Firm Has Won Millions For Clients

Ronemus & Vilensky, has won millions of dollars for their clients who have been seriously injured by mistakes made by doctors, hospitals, medical technicians and staff in spite of the fact that medical malpractice cases are increasingly difficult to prove to a jury. So influenced by the insurance companies that everyone who has been seriously injured is just out to make money for themselves, juries are reluctant to rule in favor of these disabled individuals.

Below are two medical malpractice lawsuits our law firm has won.

Malpractice Lawyers Win $5 Million Verdict for Medical Malpractice

There is nothing more disheartening than discovering that your loved one could have lived longer if medical staff at the hospital took proper care of their patients. In this particular lawsuit, our client suffered from a stroke and was left unattended for six long hours in the hallway of an emergency room.

A CAT scan was finally ordered by the ER doctor, but hospital staff claimed the CAT Scan malfunctioned. As a result, the patient had to be transferred to another hospital.

The patient was diagnosed with a stroke and was operated on to remove a blood clot that formed on his brain. Unfortunately, due to the slow response at the first hospital, the client experienced a rapid decline in his health. He had to live at a nursing home facility before passing away six months later.

Before the incident, our client worked as a dental technician and earned a salary of $25,000 a year. He also supported his elderly father. We were able to win the client a total of $5 Million dollars in this medical malpractice case.

$4.48 Million Settlement for Medical Malpractice

Our client was admitted into the hospital six days earlier than her due date diagnosed as suffering from preeclampsia. Labor was induced and despite the fact that the fetal monitor showed increasing signs of fetal distress a cesarean section was ordered and then cancelled. When the cesarean section was again ordered it was not until 9 hours later that it was performed. Our client’s daughter was born with no respiration and a very low heart rate. As she developed it became apparent that the baby suffered from cognitive defects as well as severe hearing impairment and could only walk with braces. The parties settled before jury selection and agreed to pay $4,475,000 with an eventual payment to our client of over $37 million.

If you or a loved one has suffered serious injury or death because of a medical mistake, contact Mike Ronemus or Robert Vilensky. Both attorneys have had over twenty five years of experience in handling cases of medical malpractice.

View more details of other medical malpractice lawsuits we have won for our clients.