What To Do If You’re In a NYC Gas Explosion


Emotional distress and grief are inevitable after a catastrophic tragedy, like the recent MetroNorth train derailments or the NYC gas explosion in the East Village. This emotional condition may greatly affect your initial ability to deal with the situation and save guard your legal rights. Below is a checklist that help you make the best decision for you and your family in the face of a tragic event.

Call 911 – This may seem like a given. Did you know at the 2nd avenue gas explosion, not one person dialed 911. Luckily, the fire department was right down the road. It is important you immediately dial 911 to report the incident. As a matter of fact, even if you smell gas, you should call 911. Doing so can save lives.

Catalog The Event – We know it’s hard to think rationally when you’ve just experienced an event like the NYC gas explosion, but grab your smartphone or pen and paper and write down what happened while it’s fresh in your memory. Try to be as specific as possible. Take pictures of any injuries you’ve sustained. Take pictures of your surroundings and damages. If you’re home or car was damaged, snap photos from all angles as well.  This will help you file your insurance claims and file for damages later if necessary, especially when not all damages linger around, like excessive smoke.

Contact Your Insurance Agent – File a claim under your insurance policy as soon as possible to start receiving benefits in the interim.  If you’ve been displaced or lost your car, your insurance company is the first place to turn for immediate relief.

Call An Attorney –An attorney can advise you immediately which parties (law officials; insurance companies; representatives of companies involved) on the scene are appropriate to talk to. Remember not every party on the scene is there to help you or looking out for your best interest. Do not sign any documents without contacting an attorney first. It is critically important to speak to an attorney who has good standing with the City of New York and has had a lot of experience handling cases involving ConEd and MetroNorth. The attorneys of Ronemus & Vilensky specialize in representing clients of gas explosions and catastrophic disasters. If your or someone you know was affected by a NYC gas explosion, call us. We will handle your case with the personal attention and care that it deserves. We will work tirelessly to get the best possible outcome for you and your family

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